Dental Aid - Longmont CO



Longmont, CO - 80501, 1715 Princess Dr.

About This Clinic

Dental Aid serves low-income and uninsured residents of the Front Range. Dental Aid provides oral health care for:Children enrolled in Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)Uninsured childrenSingle adultsFamiliesIndividuals with physical or mental disabilitiesIndividuals who are homelessImmigrants from around the worldDental Aid provides care for individuals identified as high-risk for oral health complications including pregnant women, persons with diabetes, persons with heart disease, and individuals living with HIV/AIDS.In 2009, Dental Aid provided comprehensive oral health care for 8,389 low-income and uninsured individuals. Dental Aid has continued to expand capacity to meet the growing demand for affordable oral health care: the total number of patients receiving care at our clinics has increased more than 143% from 2000 through 2009.Inclusiveness is an integral part of Dental Aid's ability to positively impact oral health in our diverse and underserved patient populations. The patient population of Dental Aid is nearly half Latino/a, and more than half of our dental support staff is bilingual/bicultural in English/Spanish. At last count, Dental Aid staff speaks at least 11 different languages, and translation services for languages not spoken by Dental Aid staff are available via telephone.


Anchorage, Student-Run
Dental Aid - Longmont CO

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Please be aware that not all clinics are totally cost-free. Sliding Scale doesn't mean free. Many times, we will include surrounding clinics in our search results because certain cities only have a small number of clinics. The information about the clinics is provided on the page, but we cannot guarantee that it is true; you must contact the clinic directly. Depending on your income or the kind of financial support the clinic provides, the price of its services may vary. To talk about the costs of various services, get in touch with the clinic directly. Please get in touch with us if you discover any outdated or improper information on our website.

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